Member Services
We also offer portable courses - we come to your co-op and present a course tailored to meet your needs. For more information on arranging a portable course, e-mail us at
The following list will give you an idea of the range of courses available.
Everything You Always This workshop will remind you of the reasons why you moved into a co-op. We will talk about the history of the Canadian co-op housing movement, the co-operative principles, and what it means to live in a co-op. Board Basics Return to top Whether you are new or experienced, this course will help you improve your skills as a director. We will talk about working as a team, handling legal responsibilities, dealing with co-op finances, setting goals and planning, working with committees, and creating a co-operative community. Working Together Build more effective, efficient teams through: learning about personality types and how they process information working constructively with someone who does not think like you do discovering and overcoming the strengths and weaknesses of your team job assignments and contracting to improve efficiency decision making for the benefit of the project. From Both Sides: Employment Issues Many directors have no experience as employers. If the staff and the board are to work as a team, co-op directors need to know their responsibilities. This workshop will help you understand hiring, staff training, performance evaluations, and the role of the board and the staff liaison officer. Committee Functioning
Co-ops use committees to make decisions or carry out tasks. We will discuss the role of committees, committee job descriptions, and communication with the rest of the co-op. This workshop will also look at problems that committees may have and look for ways to overcome or prevent them. Financial Management This workshop will help you manage the co-op's finances by looking at ways to receive and spend money, and to keep records. You will learn to read financial statements and how to use them to keep track of your co-op's financial health. We will describe a step-by-step process for preparing the budget and keeping the members involved. Preparing a Budget A budget is simply a financial plan for the coming year. The treasurer and the finance committee are responsible for preparing and presenting the co-op's budget to the members. This course will help you to forecast your costs, prepare the budget, set housing charge increases, and educate other members. Managing Arrears
Finance committee members, treasurers, and board members will find this workshop useful. We will discuss sample arrears by-laws and procedures, repayment schedules, and the role of the staff and the board. Understanding Your Co-op's Audit
Co-op members can make better financial decisions if they understand their audit. Directors, finance committee members, staff, and co-op members will benefit from this workshop. It will look at the function of the audit including the balance sheet, the income statement, the auditor's report, and other statements and notes. New Members in Your Co-op: The Role of the Membership Committee
If you are on the membership committee or the board, this workshop is for you. Topics will include advertising, information sessions, membership policies and criteria, interviewing, approving, and welcoming new members, and organizing the work of the membership committee. Interview Skills
What questions should you ask to learn more about the applicant? What information should you give to the applicant? Do you know what questions could discriminate? You will have the opportunity to improve your interview skills and techniques.
Keeping Units Full
With lots of cheaper rental housing available, many co-ops have vacancy losses. This workshop will provide some creative ideas to deal with the problem. It will look at advertising, the application process, making your co-op appear more attractive, and responding to criticisms.
On-Call Committee
An on-call committee can be an effective way to handle emergencies in co-ops. This workshop will look at the organization of the on-call committee, the types of emergencies on-call members may have to handle, and procedures for dealing with them. We will review fire safety procedures and the role of member education.
Unit Inspections
Unit inspections are an important part of maintaining the co-op property. We will discuss how to organize unit inspections, what to look for, how to use inspection forms, and how to use the information you gather.
Chairing Skills
Good chairing can make the difference between successful and unsuccessful meetings. We will look at the chair's role in creating a successful meeting -- developing an agenda, preparing for the meeting, working with the rules of order, and keeping people on track. We will also look at how good recording can improve the effectiveness of your meetings.
Difficult Meetings
Some co-op meeting can be difficult. Learn techniques to make these meetings easier. We will show you how to use the rules of order. We will discuss requisitioned meetings and difficult agendas such as eviction appeals.
Good communication prevents conflict. Learn to use clear writing, friendly communication, and good organization to make your co-op work.
Communicating across Cultures
Co-ops provide housing for people from many different backgrounds. How do these differences affect our co-ops? This workshop will look at spoken and unspoken communication in different cultures. Gossip
"Have you heard the latest?" Most of us enjoy a little bit of gossip. However, when it gets out of hand it can be damaging to the community. Find out how gossip spreads and how to stop it. Dealing with Conflict
We all have to deal with conflict. It occurs in our co-ops, our workplaces, and our homes. What causes conflict? When does it harm the community? Can it strengthen the community? The first part of this workshop will help you understand conflict so that you will be able to deal with it more effectively. In the second part of the workshop, you will get a chance to apply your understanding to real life situations. Participants will be able to help their co-ops develop a process for dealing with conflict. Discussing Conflict: Organizing a Member Forum
First, a small group of members will meet with a facilitator to plan a member forum on conflict. Next, the group will present the member forum to the co-op community. The forum will help members understand and deal with conflict. Participants will be encouraged to develop their communication and problem solving skills, and to develop a plan for dealing with conflict in their co-op. Beyond Participation
Participation -- one of the most talked about co-op issues. Come and share your ideas and experiences with other co-op members. We will examine expectations and look at ways of recruiting volunteers and keeping them motivated. We will also talk about things that prevent members from participating. Creating Healthy Communities
Housing co-ops are communities. Co-op members working together can create strong, healthy communities. This workshop will introduce co-op members to the community development process and some community building exercises.
Safety and Security
Co-ops have to deal with safety and security problems. How can we make our co-ops more secure? How can co-ops deal with problems such as drugs, domestic violence and vandalism? Come and share the ideas that your co-op has tried. Stress Management
What is stress? How does it affect us? What causes it? This workshop will show you practical ways to manage the effects of stress on your health and quality of life. A facilitator from the Canadian Mental Health Association will lead this workshop. Understanding Mental Illness
Dealing with a person with mental illness in a supportive and effective way can be difficult. Learn how to recognize the signs and symptoms of mental illness, how to be supportive, and how to reach mental health services. A facilitator from the Canadian Mental Health Association will lead this workshop. Email: