CHFT set up the Charitable Fund in 1997. Funds donated to the Fund will be used to assist members and to expand CHFT's educational programs. The fund has three major projects. The Training and Employment ProgramThe Training and Employment Program
provides computer and lifeskills training to people on social assistance.
More than 150 employers have hired our graduates. The Here to Stay FundThe Here to Stay Fund assists
co-op members in one month of arrears. Members receive free credit counselling
and interest free loans. Strong CommunitiesThe Co-operative Housing Federation of Toronto was instrumental
in enabling Alexander Park to make the conversion from a public housing
project to a co-op community and continues to provide leadership and assistance.
It is now facilitating a campaign to use the experiences gained in Alexandra
Park/Atkinson Co-op to create a model for transition in other public housing
projects. To make a donation, contact us at our
E-mail address E-mail: